In Conjunction with England Golf

Safe Guarding Policies

Brickendon Grange Golf Club

In conjunction with England Golf

Children and Young People
Safeguarding Policy and Procedures


Safeguarding Policy Statement
1.    Recruitment and training 5
2.    Complaints, concerns and allegations 6
3.    Flow Charts 9
4.    Emergencies and incidents 11
5.    Supervision 12
6.    Good Practice Guidelines 12
7.    Useful Contacts 16
Supporting Documents
1.    Volunteer/Staff Job Application form View
2.    Self-disclosure View
3.    References View
4.    Code of Conduct for coaches and volunteers View
5.    Code of Conduct for Young Golfers View
6.    Code of Conduct for Parents/Carers View
7.    Managing Challenging Behaviour View
8.    Incident Report Form View
9.    Accident Report Form View
10.  Junior Profile and Parental Consent Forms View
11.  Photography Consent View
12.  Parental Guidance View
13.  Managing Young People on Away Trips View
14.  Social Media Guidance View
15.  Whistleblowing Policy View
16.  England Golf DBS Flowchart View
17.  Categories of Child Abuse View
18.  Club Welfare Officer Poster View
19.  Safeguarding Children and Young People – a short guide for club members View
20.  Photography Policy View
21.  Anti-Bullying Policy View

Children and Young People Safeguarding Policy


Everyone working with children and young people has a responsibility for keeping them safe, irrespective of their role, whether they are paid members of staff or volunteers.

England Golf is committed to ensure that the sport of golf is one within which all participants can thrive in a safe environment and that all children and young people have an enjoyable and positive experience when playing golf.

Key principles

  • The welfare of children is paramount.
  • A child is defined by law in England and Wales as a person under the age of 18 years.
  • All children, regardless of their Age, Race, Religion or Belief, Disability, Gender identity or Sexual Orientation, have the right to protection from abuse.
  • All concerns and allegations of abuse and poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
  • All children have the right to be safe.
  • All children have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
  • Brickendon Grange GC will work with children, their parents/carers and external organisations to safeguard the welfare of children participating in golf.
  • We recognise the authority of the statutory agencies and are committed to complying with Local Safeguarding Children Board Guidelines (LSCB), Working Together under the Children Act 2004, and any legislation and statutory guidance that supersedes these.
  • Brickendon Grange GC is committed to working in partnership with other key UK Golf Bodies to continually improve and to promote safeguarding initiatives across the sport.
  • Brickendon Grange GC owes a legal duty of care to children on their premises or engaged in their activities. That duty is to take reasonable care to ensure their reasonable safety and the duty is higher than it would be for adults.


Brickendon Grange GC aims to:

  • Provide a safe environment for children and young people participating in golfing activities and try to ensure that they enjoy the experience.
  • Ensure robust systems are in place to manage any concerns or allegations.
  • Support adults (staff, volunteers, PGA Professionals, coaches, members and visitors) to understand their roles and responsibilities with regard to their duty of care and protection of children.
  • Provide appropriate level training, support and resources for staff, volunteers & coaches to make informed and confident responses to specific safeguarding issues and fulfill their role effectively.
  • Ensure that children and their parents/carers are informed and consulted and, where appropriate, fully involved in decisions that affect them.
  • Reassure parents and carers that all children and young people will receive the best care possible whilst participating in club activities and communicate Policy and Procedure to them through website/letter/consents.

Responsibilities and implementation

Brickendon Grange GC will seek to promote the principles of safeguarding children by:

  • Reviewing their policy and procedures every three years or whenever there is a major change in legislation. Guidance from England Golf will be sought as part of the review process.
  • Conducting a risk assessment of club activities with regard to safeguarding and take appropriate action to address the identified issues within suitable timescales.
  • Using appropriate recruitment procedures to assess the suitability of volunteers and staff working with children and young people in line with guidance from England Golf.
  • Following National Governing Body (NGB) procedures to report concerns and allegations about the behaviour of adults and ensuring that all staff, volunteers, parents and children are aware of these procedures.
  • Directing staff, volunteers & coaches to appropriate safeguarding training and learning opportunities, where this is appropriate to their role.

1.   Recruitment and training

Brickendon Grange GC will endeavour to ensure that all volunteers and staff working with children and young people are appropriate and suitable to do so, and that they have all the information they require to undertake their job effectively and appropriately.

Each role which involves an element of responsibility regarding children, particularly those involving the regular supervision of children, whether voluntary or paid, should be assessed by the recruiting body to establish which qualifications, checks and other requirements are necessary. These will include the following:

  • An application form (Appendix 1)
  • A self-disclosure form (Appendix 2)
  • References from 2 people (Appendix 3)
  • A signed Code of Conduct (Appendix 4)
  • A Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check on people involved in ‘regulated activity’ with children (Guidance on Regulated Activity & DBS- Appendix 16)

Details of the requirements and the qualifications and checks of individuals will be recorded by the Club Welfare Officer/Secretary/Manager who will also hold copies of the necessary Safeguarding and Protecting Children (SPC) certificates. The nominated person will possess all relevant and appropriate contact details of all staff / volunteers and other relevant bodies.

All staff, volunteers & coaches will be offered access to appropriate child protection training. Brickendon Grange GC recommends attendance at the UK Coaching Safeguarding and Protecting Children (SPC) workshop and will ensure that all volunteers and staff who have significant contact with children attend. An online UK Coaching refresher course should be completed and repeated every three years for those involved in “Regulated Activity.”

All staff, volunteers & coaches working with children and young people will be asked to read and become familiar with the Brickendon Grange GC Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.

All staff, volunteers & coaches involved with children and young people will be asked to read the Brickendon Grange GC Code of Conduct relevant to their role, and sign to indicate their understanding and agreement to act in accordance with the code. The code is linked to the Brickendon Grange GC’s Disciplinary Procedures. (Codes of Conduct-Appendix 4,5,6)

Brickendon Grange GC are committed to the fact that every child and participant in golf should be afforded the right to thrive through being involved in sporting activity for life, in an enjoyable, safe environment, and be protected from harm.  Brickendon Grange GC acknowledge the additional vulnerability of some groups of children (e.g. disabled, looked after children, those with communication differences).  Brickendon Grange GC will ensure that the environment is appropriate for the child and tailored to their needs so that they have a positive experience of their sport without risk of harm.

2.   Complaints, concerns, and allegations

  • If a player, parent/carer, member of staff or volunteer has a concern about the welfare of a child, or the conduct of another child/young person or an adult (whether they are a parent, coach, member, or otherwise), these concerns should be brought to the attention of the Club Welfare Officer without delay. The person reporting the concern is not required to decide whether abuse has occurred, but simply has a duty to pass their concerns and any relevant information to the Welfare Officer. Please refer to Flowcharts 1 & 2 for further details (see below).
  • All concerns will be treated in confidence. Details should only be shared on a “need to know” basis with those who can help with the management of the concern.
  • Concerns will be recorded on an Incident Report Form and sent to the England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer and retained confidentially within the club. The England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer can assist with completion of this form if required, tel: 01526 351824. (Incident Report Form-Appendix 8)
  • Brickendon Grange GC will work with England Golf and other external agencies to take appropriate action where concerns relate to potential abuse or serious poor practice. Brickendon Grange GC disciplinary procedures will be applied and followed where possible.
  • In the event of a child making a disclosure of any type of abuse, the following guidance is given:
  • Reassure them that they have done the right thing to share the information.
  • Listen carefully.
  • Do not make promises that cannot be kept, such as promising not to tell anyone else.
  • Do not seek to actively question the child or lead them in any way to disclose more information than they are comfortably able to: this may compromise any future action. Only ask questions to clarify your understanding where needed e.g., can you tell me what you mean by the word harm?
  • Record what the child has said as soon as possible on an incident report form.
  • You should explain to children, young people and families at the outset, openly and honestly, what and how information will, or could be shared and why, and seek their agreement.
  • Parents or Carers should be informed if the allegation does not involve them.
  • The NSPCC Helpline is available to discuss concerns regarding poor practice and abuse in confidence with members of the public who need support. Those with concerns are encouraged to use this service. The Helpline number is 0808 800 5000.
  • Safeguarding children and young people requires everyone to be committed to the highest possible standards of openness, integrity and accountability. Brickendon Grange GC supports an environment where staff, volunteers, parents/carers and the public are encouraged to raise safeguarding and child protection concerns.  Anyone who reported a legitimate concern to the organisation (even if their concerns subsequently appear to be unfounded) will be supported.  All concerns will be taken seriously. (Whistleblowing Policy-Appendix 15


What to do if you are worried about what is happening to a child outside of the Club (but the concern is identified through the child’s involvement in golf)

Concern identified about a child

If the child requires urgent medical attention call an ambulance and inform the hospital doctor that you have a child protection concern
Report your concern to the Club Welfare Officer* who will if necessary refer the matter to Children’s Social Care/Police without delay. Make a record of everything that the child has said and /or what has been observed with dates and times, using the Incident Report Form.
If the Club Welfare Officer is not available contact the England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer, tel :01526 351824


or refer the matter directly to Children’s Social Care/Police.

Remember –  delay may place the child at further risk.

Complete a report form and copy it to Children’s Social Care/Police and to the England Golf Governance Department within 24 hours.

* If for any reason a Club Welfare Officer is not in post or is unavailable a principle of least delay is important.

Please contact the

England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer

01526 351824


Concerns identified

What to do if you are worried about the behaviour of any member, parent/carer, volunteer, staff, Professional, coach or official in golf or affiliated organisations

If the child requires immediate medical attention, call an ambulance and inform the doctor there is a child protection concern.


4.   Emergencies and incidents

  • Parental Consent Forms will be obtained and retained by Brickendon Grange GC for all children who are participating in events or activities, or attending coaching organised by the club. These forms will be treated in confidence and only shared with those who require the information they contain to perform their role effectively. (Junior Profile and Parental Consent Forms-Appendix 10)
  • In the event of a child requiring medical attention:
  • The parents will be contacted immediately.
  • In the event of failure to contact parents, the alternative emergency contacts will be used.
  • The consent form will be consulted to establish whether parents have given their consent for a club representative to act in loco parentis.
  • An adult club representative will accompany the child to seek medical attention, if appropriate, ensuring that they take the consent form with them.
  • A record of the action taken will be made and retained by a club representative.
  • Where a parent is late in collecting their child, the following procedure will apply:
  • Attempt to contact the parent/carer using the contact details on the Parental Consent Form
  • Attempt to contact the first, then the second emergency contact nominated on the Consent Form.
  • Wait with the young person(s) at the venue with, wherever possible, other staff/volunteers or parents.
  • If no one is reachable, contact the Club’s Welfare Officer for advice.
  • If all attempts to make contact fail, consideration should be given to contacting the police for their advice.
  • Staff, volunteers, and coaches should try to avoid:
  • Taking the child home or to another location without consent.
  • Asking the child to wait in a vehicle or the club with them alone.
  • Sending the child home with another person without permission.

5.   Supervision

  • During coaching sessions, coaches should conduct a risk assessment to inform decision making about appropriate supervision levels. Regardless of the recommended ratio of adults to participants, it is recommended that a minimum of two adults should be present. This ensures at least basic cover in the event of something impacting on the availability of one of the adults during the activity.
  • Parents may be encouraged to stay for coaching/competitions & other events where their children are of an age where greater levels of parental supervision are required.
  • Wherever possible adults will avoid changing or showering at the same time as children, but parents will be made aware that with limited changing room space there will be occasions when adults and children may need to share the facilities.
  • Parents should be aware that if children are left at a venue unsupervised, other than to attend specific coaching sessions, competitions, or other organised events, the club cannot accept supervisory responsibility.
  • Special arrangements will be made for away trips. Parents will receive full information about arrangements for any such trip and will be required to provide their consent for their child’s participation. (Managing Young People on Away Trips-Appendix 13)

6.   Good practice Guidelines

  • Behaviour of adults and children
    • Adults who work with children are placed in a position of trust in relation to children, and therefore it is important they behave appropriately and provide a strong positive role model for children, both to protect children and those working with children from false allegations of poor practice. Codes of conduct will be issued to junior members & adults working with them to promote good practice.
    • Brickendon Grange GC requires that all staff and volunteers working with children and young people adhere to the standards set out in the Code of Conduct relevant to their role. Similarly, children are expected to follow their own Code of Conduct to ensure the enjoyment of all participants and assist the club in ensuring their welfare is safeguarded.
    • Brickendon Grange GC requires that all staff and volunteers working with children adhere to the guidelines on Managing Challenging Behaviour. (Managing Challenging Behaviour-Appendix 7).
    • Parents and carers should also work together with the club to ensure that the welfare of all children is safeguarded. A sheet on “Parental Guidance” is provided to assist them in understanding how they can best assist the club (Parental Guidance-Appendix 12)
  • Adults and Children playing golf together
    One of the reasons for the popularity of golf is that the game is not restricted by ability, age or gender. Responsible interaction between adults and children helps bring mutual respect and understanding and will be encouraged as part of club activities. Adults should always be aware however that age related differences do exist and conduct themselves in a manner that both recognises this and prioritises the welfare of any children involved.
  • Physical Contact
    Physical contact with children by coaches or volunteers should always be intended to meet the needs of the child and the sport, not the adult. That is, to develop golf technique, to protect the child from injury, to provide first aid or treat an injury. It should always take place in an open environment, and should not, as a general principle, be made gratuitously or unnecessarily.
  • Transport
    • The club believes it is primarily the responsibility of parents/carers to transport their child/children to and from events. It is not the responsibility of club volunteers or coaches to transport children and young people to and from events, activities, tournaments or matches.
    • The club may make arrangements for transport in exceptional circumstances, such as team events. Where this is the case, the written permission of the parents of the relevant children will be sought. The drivers used will be checked for their suitability to transport and supervise children (see Section 1 Recruitment and Training) and their insurance arrangements verified.
    • Children and young people are often involved in competition. When taking young people away from their home club, consideration and planning needs to be paramount to ensure the duty of care for the young people within the team is fulfilled.
  • Photography/ Videoing
    • Permission will be sought from parents prior to the publication or use of any video or photographic images of their child, for instance in newspapers, websites or for coaching purposes. The personal details of the child will not be used in any promotional material. (Photography Consent-Appendix 11)
    • Any press/official photographers attending events will be required to seek permission from the club before taking photographs and also permission of parents to use the images. (Photography Policy – Appendix 20)
  • Social Media
    Social media provides unique opportunities for the club to engage and develop relationships with people in a creative and dynamic forum where users are active participants. It is important that all staff, volunteers, coaches, officials/referees, board members, or anyone working on behalf of the club are aware of the club Social Media policy (Social Media Guidance–Appendix 14)
  • Anti-Bullying Procedures
    • We believe that every effort must be made to eradicate bullying in all its forms. Bullying can be difficult to define and can take many forms which can be categorised as.
  • Physical – hitting, kicking, theft.
  • Verbal – homophobic or racist remarks, threats, name calling.
  • Emotional – isolating an individual from activities or a group.

All forms of bullying include.

  • Deliberate hostility & aggression towards an individual(s)
  • A victim who is weaker and less powerful than the bully or bullies
  • An outcome which is always painful & distressing for the victim

Bullying behaviour may also include.

  • Other forms of violence
  • Sarcasm, spreading rumours, persistent teasing.
  • Tormenting, ridiculing, humiliation
  • Racial taunts, graffiti, gestures
  • Unwanted physical contact or abusive or offensive comments of a sexual nature.

The Club and its Staff, Volunteers & Coaches will not tolerate bullying in any of its forms during club matches, competitions, coaching or at any other time while at the club. (Anti-Bullying Policy -Appendix 21)

  • We will:
  • Provide a point of contact where those being bullied can report their concerns in confidence – The Club Welfare Officer.
  • Take the problem seriously.
  • Investigate any and all incidents and accusations of bullying.
  • Talk to bullies and their victims separately along with their parents/carers.
  • Impose sanctions where appropriate.
  • Keep a written record of all incidents referred to England Golf and the action taken.
  • Have discussions about bullying and why it matters.
    • Confidentiality
      • Details of all juniors will be kept on file in the office and will not be shared with a third party without parent/carer consent.
      • All concerns/allegations will be dealt with confidentially by the club and information will only be shared on a need-to-know basis, either internally or externally depending on the nature/seriousness of the concern/allegation.
    • Changing rooms
      The changing rooms are used by all members & visitors. Juniors will only be supervised if needed at club organised events. Parents will be made aware that adults use the changing rooms throughout the day for changing & showering. Where a parent/carer does not consent to their child accessing the changing rooms, it is their responsibility to either supervise the child while in the changing rooms or ensure that they do not use them.

7.   Useful Contacts

Golf Contacts
Name Address Number
Club Welfare Officer – Teresa Dyson Southgate House, Bowling Green Lane, Buntingford, Herts, SG9 9BT Mob:07850 532240


England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer England Golf
National Golf Centre
The Broadway
Woodhall Spa
LN10 6PU
01526 351824
Club Manager –

Stephen Bryan

Mob: 07908 725301
Local Contacts
Local Children’s Social Care
(including out of office hours contact)
NB. In an emergency, the Samaritans will hold the Duty Officer’s contact number
0300 123 4043

24 hours, 7 days

After 5pm or at the weekends please contact The Emergency Social Work Duty Team
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) 01992 555420
Samaritans 08457 90 90 90
Local Police child protection teams
In an emergency contact 999
NSPCC Freephone
24-hour Helpline
0808 800 5000
NSPCC Whistleblowing Helpline for Professionals 0808 028 0285
The NSPCC National Centre
42 Curtain Road
Tel: 0808 800 5000
Childline UK Freepost 1111
London N1 0BR
Tel: 0800 1111
NI Childline 74 Duke Street
Tel: 028 90 327773
NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit 3 Gilmour Close
Beaumont Leys
Tel: 0116 234 7278

Appendix 1

Volunteer / Staff Job Application Form – Brickendon Grange GC

Position Applied for:
Personal DetailsTitle: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Dr/Other (please specify) ________________________________

Full Name: _____________________________________________________________

Any previous surname: __________________________________________________

Date and place of birth:_________________________________________________

National Insurance Number:______________________________________________

 Present Address:________________________________________________________


Post Code:_____________________________________________________________

Telephone Numbers:____________________________________________________

Email address:__________________________________________________________

Current Occupation:____________________________________________________

Name and address of Organisation:_______________________________________



Start Date:_____________________________________________________________

Relevant Experience including any previous experience of working with children and young people:
Reasons for applying:
References:Please provide the names and addresses of two people who know you well (one personal, one professional – current or previous employer, who are not related to you) whom we can contact to obtain a reference:

Telephone Number:



Telephone Number:

Data Protection Notification:Information you have provided in completing this form will be used to process your application. Brickendon Grange GC will keep the information you have supplied confidential and will not divulge it to third parties, except where required by law, or where we have retained the services of a third party representative to act on your/our behalf.


I have read the Data Protection notification and understand and agree to the use of my personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, GDPR and all relevant data protection legislation.

Signed:                                                  Date:


I confirm that the information I have provided is correct and that any false or misleading information may lead to the termination of my appointment.

Signed:                                                  Date:

Appendix 2

Self-Disclosure Form – Brickendon Grange GC

To be completed at the same time as the application form:

Private and Confidential

For roles involving contact with children (under 18-year-olds).

All information will be treated as confidential and managed in accordance with relevant data protection legislation and guidance. You have a right of access to information held on you under the Data Protection Act 2018.

Part One

For completion by the organisation:
Address and Postcode:
Telephone/Mobile No:
Date of Birth:
Gender: Male        /         Female
Identification (tick box below):
I confirm that I have seen identification documents relating to this person, and I confirm to the best of my ability that these are accurate.
UK Passport Number and Issuing Office
UK Driving Licence Number (with picture)
National Insurance Card or current Work Permit Number
Signature of authorised Employing Officer:
Print name:

Part Two

NOTE: If the role you have applied for involves frequent or regular contact with or responsibility for children you will also be required to provide a valid DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) certificate which will provide details of criminal convictions; this may also include a Barring List check depending on the nature of the role (see organisational guidance about eligibility for DBS checks).

For completion by the individual (named in Part one):
Have you ever been known to any Children’s Services department as being a risk or potential risk to children? YES        /         NO

(if Yes, please provide further information below):

Have you been the subject of any disciplinary investigation and/or sanction by any organisation due to concerns about your behaviour towards children? YES        /         NO(if Yes, please provide further information)
Confirmation of Declaration (tick box below)
I agree that the information provided here may be processed in connection with recruitment purposes and I understand that an offer of employment may be withdrawn, or dismissal may result if information is not disclosed by me and subsequently come to the organisation’s attention.
In accordance with the organisation’s procedures if required I agree to provide a valid DBS certificate and consent to the organisation clarifying any information provided on the disclosure with the agencies providing it.
I agree to inform the organisation within 24 hours if I am subsequently investigated by any agency or organisation in relation to concerns about my behaviour towards children or young people.
I understand that the information contained on this form, the results of the DBS check and information supplied by third parties may be supplied by the organisation to other persons or organisations in circumstances where this is considered necessary to safeguard other children.
Print name:
Club Welfare Officer …………………………………………..:

I have seen and checked the above responses, if any of the boxes above are ticked YES, I have referred this form to England Golf Governance Department for a risk assessment and advice.

Signed:                                                                       date:

 Appendix 3

Reference form – Brickendon Grange GC

Reference form

(Name)has expressed an interest in becoming a club member of staff, volunteer / coach* (*delete as appropriate) and has given your name as a referee.

As this post involves substantial access to children and as an organisation committed to safeguarding children, it is important that if you have any reason to be concerned about this applicant that you do not complete the following form, but please contact me on:




Any information disclosed in this reference will be treated in confidence and in accordance with relevant legislation and guidance and will only be shared with the person conducting the assessment of a candidate’s suitability for a post, if he or she is offered the position in question.·      How long have you known the person?

·      In what capacity?

·      What attributes does this person have which would make him/her suited to a role working with children?

·      How would you describe his/her personality?



Appendix 4

Brickendon Grange Golf Club

Code of Conduct for staff, coaches & volunteers

  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person within the context of golf.
  • Treat everyone equally and do not discriminate on the grounds of age, gender, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation or disability.
  • If you see any form of discrimination, do not condone it or allow it to go unchallenged.
  • Place the well-being and safety of the young person above the development of performance.
  • Develop an appropriate working relationship with young people, based on mutual trust and respect.
  • Ensure that physical contact is appropriate and necessary and is carried out within recommended guidelines with the young person’s full consent and approval.
  • Always work in an open environment (e.g., avoid private or unobserved situations and encourage an open environment)
  • Do not engage in any form of sexually related contact with a young player. This is strictly forbidden as is sexual innuendo, flirting or inappropriate gestures and terms.
  • You should not have regular contact outside your club role with the juniors and should not engage in regular communication through text, email or social network sites.
  • Know and understand the Brickendon Grange GC Child Safeguarding Policies and Procedures
  • Respect young people’s opinions when making decisions about their participation in golf.
  • Inform players and parents of the requirements of golf.
  • Be aware of and report any conflict of interest as soon as it becomes apparent.
  • Display high standards of language, manner, punctuality, preparation and presentation.
  • Do not smoke, drink, or use recreational drugs while actively working with young people in the club. This reflects a negative image and could compromise the safety of the young people.
  • Do not give young people alcohol when they are under the care of the club.
  • Hold relevant qualifications and insurance cover. All Staff, Volunteers & Coaches who work regularly with children must have current DBS clearance, approved by England Golf Governance Department
  • Ensure the activities are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of the individual.
  • Promote the positive aspects of golf e.g., fair play.
  • Display high standards of behaviour and appearance.
  • Follow Club Procedures & good practice guidelines.
  • Ensure that you attend appropriate training to keep up to date with your role and the welfare of young people.
  • Report any concerns you may have in relation to a child or the behaviour of an adult, following reporting procedures laid down by Brickendon grange GC.
Signed:  Date:

Appendix 5      Brickendon Grange Golf Club

Code of Conduct for Young Golfers

As a young golfer taking part in a Brickendon Grange GC activity, you should:

Help create and maintain an environment free of fear and harassment.

  • Demonstrate fair play and apply golf’s standards both on and off the course.
  • Understand that you have the right to be treated as an individual.
  • Respect the advice that you receive.
  • Treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself.
  • Respect other people and their differences
  • Look out for yourself and for the welfare of others.
  • Speak out (to your parents or a club representative) if you consider that you or others have been poorly treated.
  • Be organised and on time.
  • Tell someone in authority if you are leaving the venue.
  • Accept that these guidelines are in place for the well-being of all concerned.
  • Treat organisers and coaches with respect.
  • Observe instructions or restrictions requested by the adults looking after you.

You should not take part in any irresponsible, abusive, inappropriate, or illegal behaviour which includes:

  • Smoking
  • Using foul language
  • Publicly using critical or disrespectful descriptions of others either in person or through text, email or social network sites
  • Consuming alcohol, illegal performance-enhancing drugs or stimulants

Child Signature                         _________________      Print Name ___________________

Parent/Carer Signature          _________________      Print Name___________________

Appendix 6

Brickendon Grange Golf Club

Code of Conduct for Parents/Carers of Young Golfers

As parents you are expected to:

  • Positively reinforce your child and show an interest in their chosen activity.
  • Do not place your child under pressure or push them in to activities they do not want to do.
  • Be realistic and supportive.
  • Promote your child’s participation in playing sport for fun.
  • Complete and return the Player Profile Form and Consents pertaining to your child’s participation in activities at Brickendon Grange GC
  • Report and update Brickendon Grange GC with any changes relevant to your child’s health and wellbeing
  • Deliver and collect your child punctually before and after coaching sessions/competitions.
  • Ensure your child has clothing and kit appropriate to the weather conditions.
  • Ensure you child has appropriate equipment, plus adequate food and drink.
  • Ensure that you child understands the rules of Golf.
  • Teach your child that they can only do their best.
  • Ensure that your child understands their Code of Conduct.
  • Behave responsibly at Brickendon Grange GC and on the golf course; do not embarrass your child Brickendon Grange GC
  • Show appreciation and support the coaches, volunteers, and staff at
  • Accept the decision and judgement of the officials during events and competition.

As a parents/carer you have the right to:

  • Be assured that your child is safeguarded during their participation in the sport.
  • Be informed of problems or concerns relating to your child.
  • Be informed if your child is injured.
  • Have consent sought for issues such as trips and photography.
  • Contribute to the decisions of the club.
  • Have any concerns about any aspect of your child’s welfare listened to and responded to

Any breaches of this code of conduct will be dealt with immediately by ……………………………. at Brickendon Grange GC. Persistent concerns or breaches may result in you being asked not to attend games if your attendance is considered detrimental to the welfare of young participants.

The ultimate action should a parent/carer continue to breach the code of conduct may be Brickendon Grange GC regrettably asking your child to leave the session, event or club.

Signed: Date:

Appendix 7

Brickendon Grange GC

Managing Challenging Behaviour

Staff/volunteers who deliver sports activities to children may, on occasions, be required to deal with a child’s challenging behaviour.

These guidelines aim to promote good practice and are based on the following principles:

  • The welfare of the child is the paramount consideration.
  • Children must never be subject to any form of treatment that is harmful, abusive, humiliating or degrading.
  • The specific needs a child may have (e.g., communication, behaviour management, comprehension and so on) should be discussed with their parent/carer and where appropriate the child, before activities start. Where appropriate it may be helpful to record the details of any agreed plan or approach and provide copies to all parties.
  • Every child should be supported to participate. Consideration to exclude a child from activities should apply only as a last resort and after all efforts to address any challenge have been exhausted, in exceptional circumstances where the safety of that child or of other children cannot be maintained.

Planning Activities

Planning for activities should include consideration of whether any child involved may need additional support or supervision to participate safely. This should address:

  • Assessment of additional risk associated with the child’s behaviour.
  • Appropriate supervision ratios and whether numbers of adults should be increased.
  • Information sharing for all/volunteers on managing any challenging behaviour to ensure a consistent approach.
  • Specialist expertise or support that may be needed from carers or outside agencies. This is particularly relevant where it is identified that a child may need a level of physical intervention to participate safely (see below).

Agreeing Acceptable and Unacceptable Behaviours

Staff, volunteers, children, young people and parents/carers should be involved in developing an agreement about:

  • what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable behaviour (code of conduct)
  • the range of sanctions which may be applied in response to unacceptable behaviour.

This can be done at the start of the season, in advance of a trip away from home or as part of a welcome session at a residential camp. It should involve the views of children and young people to encourage better buy in and understanding.

Where challenges are anticipated in light, for example of a child’s impairment or other medical condition, a clear plan/agreement should be established and written down.

Ensure that parents/carers understand the expectations on their children and ask them to reinforce this ahead of any trip or activity.

Managing Challenging Behaviour

In responding to challenging behaviour, the response should always be:

  • Proportionate to the actions you are managing.
  • Imposed as soon as is practicable.
  • Fully explained to the child and their parents/carers.

In dealing with children who display negative or challenging behaviours, staff and volunteers might consider the following options:

  • Time out – from the activity, group, or individual work.
  • Reparation – the act or process of making amends.
  • Restitution – the act of giving something back.
  • Behavioural reinforcement – rewards for good behaviour, consequences for negative behaviour.
  • De-escalation of the situation – talking with the child and distracting them from challenging behaviour.
  • Increased supervision by staff/volunteers.
  • Use of individual ‘contracts’ or agreements for the child’s future or continued participation.
  • Sanctions or consequences e.g., missing an outing or match.
  • Seeking additional/specialist support through working in partnership with other agencies.
  • Temporary or permanent exclusion.

The following should never be permitted as a means of managing a child’s behaviour:

  • Physical punishment or the threat of such.
  • Refusal to speak to or interact with the child.
  • Being deprived of food, water, access to changing facilities or toilets or other essential facilities.
  • Verbal intimidation, ridicule, or humiliation.

Staff/volunteers should consider the risks associated with employing physical intervention compared with the risks of not employing physical intervention.

The use of physical intervention should always:

  • Be avoided unless it is necessary to prevent a child injuring themselves or others or causing serious damage to property.
  • Aim to achieve an outcome that is in the best interests of the child whose behaviour is of immediate concern.
  • Form part of a broader approach to the management of challenging behaviour.
  • Be the result of conscious decision-making and not a reaction to an adult’s frustration.
  • Employ the minimum force needed to avert injury to a person or serious damage to property – applied for the shortest period.
  • Used only after all other strategies have been exhausted.
  • Be recorded as soon as possible using the appropriate organisational reporting form and procedure.

Parents should always be informed following an incident where a coach/volunteer has had to physically intervene with their particular child.

Physical intervention must not:

  • Involve contact with buttocks, genitals, and breasts.
  • Be used as a form of punishment.
  • Involve inflicting pain.

Views of the child

A timely de-brief for staff/volunteers, the child and parents should always take place in a calm environment following an incident where physical intervention has been used. Even children who have not directly been involved in the situation may need to talk about what they have witnessed.

There should also be a discussion with the child and parents about the child’s needs and continued safe participation in the group or activity.

Appendix 8

Incident Report Form – Brickendon Grange GC

Recorder’s Name:
Post Code: Telephone No:
Child’s Name:
Post Code: Telephone No:
Complainant’s Name:
Post Code: Telephone No:
Details of the allegations: [include date; time; location; and nature of the incident]
Additional information: [include witnesses; corroborative statements; etc.]
England Golf Governance department notified (01526 351824)Case Number (if allocated):

Name of person spoken to:

Date:                                                                   Time:
Action taken:
Date:                                                                   Time:
Signature of Recorder:Signature of Complainant:
Data protection:Brickendon Grange GC and England Golf Governance Department may use the information in this form (together with other information they obtain as a result of any investigation) to investigate the alleged incident and to take whatever action is deemed appropriate, in accordance with their Children and Young People Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.

Strict confidentiality will be maintained, and information will only be shared on a “need to know” basis in the interests of safeguarding and in accordance with the company’s data protection policy. This may involve disclosing certain information to a number of organisations and individuals including relevant clubs and County bodies, individuals that are the subject of an investigation and/or Statutory agencies such as the Police and Children’s Social Care.

Appendix 9

Accident Report Form – Brickendon Grange GC

Recorder’s Name:
Post Code: Telephone No:
Name of Injured Person [s]:
Post Code: Telephone No:
Nature of Injury Sustained:
Where did the Accident occur: [include date; time; location; and nature of the accident]
How did the Accident occur: [include: names; telephone numbers; etc.]
Were there any witnesses to the Accident: [include names; statements, etc.]
What action was taken: [include: treatment administered, by whom, etc.]
Were any other Agencies involved? [e.g. Ambulance service]
Have the Parents / Carers been contacted? YES NO [Please circle.]
Does the accident need to be referred to England Golf Governance Dept?   YES    NO
Date:                                                              Time:
Signature of Recorder:
Data protection:Brickendon Grange GC and England Golf Governance Department may use the information in this form (together with other information they obtain as a result of any investigation) to investigate the alleged incident and to take whatever action is deemed appropriate, in accordance with their Children and Young People Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.

Strict confidentiality will be maintained, and information will only be shared on a “need to know” basis in the interests of safeguarding and in accordance with the company’s data protection policy. This may involve disclosing certain information to a number of organisations and individuals including relevant clubs and County bodies, individuals that are the subject of an investigation and/or Statutory agencies such as the Police and Children’s Social Care.

Appendix 10

Junior Profile and Parental Consent Forms – Brickendon Grange GC

Player profiles forms enable those responsible for children to have the information they need to deal effectively with any emergency situation that arises.

Although information obtained on these forms must be treated as confidential (and only given to those who need it to fulfil a duty of care for the child), it is also critically important this information is readily to hand at sessions and matches.

Clubs should devise their own workable system that achieves both objectives. A player profile form template is attached below for clubs to use should they wish:

Player Profile Form Template Brickendon Grange GC

(For Players Under the age of 18)

The safety and welfare of juniors in our care is paramount, and it is therefore important that we are aware of any illness, medical condition, and other relevant health details so that their best interests are addressed.

In compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018, GDPR and all relevant data protection legislation, all efforts will be made to ensure that information is accurate, kept up to date and secure and that it is used only in connection with the purpose and activities of the organisation. Information will not be kept once a person is no longer a member of the organisation. The information will be disclosed only to those members of the organisation for whom it is appropriate and relevant officers of England Golf where necessary.

It is the responsibility of the junior and their parent to notify the Club Welfare Officer (CWO) or Secretary if any of the details change at any time.

Junior Name
Date of Birth
Telephone Number
Parents’ Names
Address (If different)
Home Telephone No
Mobile Telephone No
Work Telephone No
Emergency Contacts
Contact 1 Name
Relationship to child
Home Telephone Number
Mobile Telephone Number
Work Telephone Number
Contact 2 Name
Relationship to child
Home Telephone Number
Mobile Telephone Number
Work Telephone Number
Please confirm details of all those with Parental Responsibility for the Child.  

Medical Information

Child’s Doctor’s name
Doctor’s Surgery Address
Telephone Number

Does your child experience any conditions requiring medical treatment and/or medication?  YES □      NO   □

*If yes please give details, including medication, dose, and frequency.

Does your child have any allergies?  YES □      NO   □

*If yes please give details.

Does your child have any specific dietary requirements?  YES □      NO   □

*If yes please give details.

What additional needs, if any, does your child have e.g. needs help to administer planned medication, assistance with lifting or access, regular snacks?


The Equality Act 2010 defines a disabled person as ‘anyone with a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities’.

Do you consider your child to have a disability? YES □      NO   □

*If yes what is the nature of the disability?

Does your child have any communication needs e.g. non-English speaker/ hearing impairment/ sign language user/ dyslexia? If yes, please tell us what we need to do to enable him/her them to communicate with us fully.

Consent from Parent/Legal Carer:

  • I confirm to the best of my knowledge that my child does not suffer from any medical condition other than those detailed above.
  • I agree to notify the Club of any changes to this information.
  • I give my consent that in an emergency situation, the club may act in my place (loco parentis), if the need arises for the administration of emergency first aid and/or other medical treatment which, in the opinion of a qualified medical practitioner, may be necessary. I also understand that in such an occurrence all reasonable steps will be taken to contact me, or the alternative adult named in this form.
  • The attached signature will denote that my child has my permission to be on the golf club’s premises.
  • I acknowledge that the club is not responsible for providing adult supervision for my child, except for formal junior golfing coaching, matches or competition.
  • I agree to my child being transported by club representatives to and from venues when he/she is representing the club.

(Please tick the boxes if agreed)

By signing this document, I confirm that I have legal responsibility for……………………………………………………… ; I am entitled to give this consent and I am aware of how the information I have provided may be used.
Signed – Parent/Carer
Print name

Appendix 11

Photography Consent

This form is to be signed by the legal carer of a child under the age of 18, together with the child. Please note that if you have more than one child registered you will need to complete separate forms for each.

Brickendon Grange GC recognises the need to ensure the welfare and safety of all children in golf. As part of our commitment to ensure their safety we will not permit photographs, video images or other images of your child to be taken (except where some incidental inclusion may not be possible to avoid) or used without your consent.

Brickendon Grange GC will ensure that any image of a child where consent has not been obtained will not be published.

Brickendon Grange GC will follow the guidance for the use of images of children as detailed within the Club’s Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy.

Brickendon Grange GC will take steps to ensure these images are used solely for the purposes for which they are intended i.e. the promotion and celebration of the activities of the club.

If you become aware that these images are being used inappropriately you should inform the Club Welfare Officer immediately.

The photographs may be available on the website for the golf season 2020. If at any time either the parent/ carer or the child wishes the data to be removed from the website, 7 days’ notice must be given to the Club Welfare Officer after which the data will be removed.

To be completed by parent/carer

I ______________________ (Parent full name) consent to _________________ (name of organisation) photographing or videoing __________________ (name of child) under the stated rules and conditions, and I confirm I have legal parental responsibility for this child and am entitled to give this consent.

Signature ________________________          Date ____________________

To be completed by child

I ______________________ (Child full name) consent to _________________ (name of organisation) photographing or videoing child under the stated rules and conditions.

Signature ________________________          Date ____________________

Appendix 12

Guidance for parents

Brickendon Grange GC is delighted to welcome you and your child to what we hope is the first of many events that you will be taking part in.

The positive effect of your support, as a parent, cannot be overstated. Your behavior has a real influence on the way your child experiences golf.

First things first – why is your child showing an interest in the sport? Is it to learn a new game? To hang out with their friends. Because they did it in school and liked it? Or because you play?

Make sure they’re playing for their own reasons, not yours.

To enable us to provide the best possible experience for you and your child, we kindly request that you read through the following guidance and complete the attached forms.

  • Take an interest in your child’s ac Brickendon Grange GC activity and progress and be supportive.
  • Familiarise yourself with the Safeguarding Policy (attached).
  • Familiarise yourself with
  1. Codes of Conduct for parents, coaches, children, and young people.
  2. Transport Policy.
  3. Changing Room Policy.
  4. Photography, Videoing, and the use of Social Media Policies.
  • Complete the attached Parental Consent Form which will enable event organisers to cater for any particular needs that your child may have (e.g. medical conditions and medications, allergies, learning difficulties etc.), as well as contact you in the unlikely event of an emergency.
  • Go through the attached Code of Conduct with your child and return a signed copy to the club/event organiser.
  • Be punctual when dropping off and picking up your child from coaching/ events. It is important to communicate with the club if collecting your child after an event/coaching session may cause a problem.
  • Introduce yourself to the adults involved in the supervision of your child.
  • When leaving your child, make sure they have the necessary provisions for the day, including the ability to meet the requirements of changing weather conditions. Please ensure that your mobile is switched on when you are away from the club, so that you can be contacted in an emergency.
  • Encourage your child to take part and support club activities such as coaching & competitions.
  • Help your child to arrange golf with other juniors away from club organised activities so they have someone to play golf with.

As a parent/carer you are encouraged to:

  • Discuss any concerns regarding the organisation of activities or the behaviour of adults towards your child with the Club Welfare Officer, who will treat any concerns you or your child may have in the strictest confidence.
  • England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer is also available for advice:

01526 351824.

Club Welfare Officer

Teresa Dyson

Appendix 13

Managing Young People on Away Trips – Brickendon Grange GC

The following provides good practice guidance for taking teams on an away fixture for a day (not overnight)

  • appoint a team manager with clear roles and responsibilities.
  • appoint a designated safeguarding lead contact (not the team manager) who is appropriately trained and competent for the role and responsibilities.
  • establish well in advance where the fixture is.
  • ensure you have sufficient staff to manage and look after the young people.
  • obtain written permission from the parents/carers or carers for participation, transporting and supervising. An up-to-date photograph of each child must be attached to the child’s consent form (for use in the event of any child going missing)
  • ensure that a welfare plan has been written and communicated to staff, participants and carers.
  • ensure all staff responsible for the young people have been DBS checked to the appropriate level and staff have had appropriate safeguarding training.
  • ensure that a risk assessment has been conducted.
  • ensure that there is a contact available e.g. a staff member who is not travelling away, who will act as the key contact point if required.


Whatever the accommodation, the team manager should ensure that the children are safe. Discuss your code of conduct and discipline policy with the staff at the accommodation. All children must know which rooms staff are in and how to contact them if required.

If rooms are equipped with satellite TV, inappropriate programmes may be available. It may be possible to have these programmes disconnected.

If rooms have fridges, all alcohol must be removed.

Check the accommodation policy for extras on bills, breakages and lost keys.  All accommodation must be clean and with access to sufficient toilet and bathing facilities.

It is not acceptable:

  • For children to share a bed
  • For male and female children to share a room
  • For staff to share a room with children

Checks must be made to ensure that the needs of children with disabilities are met. For wheelchair users, it is important to check access to the building, room, and bathroom facilities.

Overnight Stays

Those responsible for organising overnight stays should establish the purpose of the trip, confirm the dates, location, and duration. You should also conduct a risk assessment, identify suitable venues and facilities for both fixtures and accommodation and consider the following:

  • Purpose of the trip.
  • Who will be going, children? Staff?
  • How much will it cost? How much spending money is required?
  • What insurance cover is required?
  • Supervision of children, both playing and non-playing time.
  • Catering for all food requirements.
  • Communication with parents (see above)
  • Ensure a list of the team and staff is left, with contact number and address of the accommodation.
  • Ensure that there are emergency contact numbers for all the team and staff.
  • An itinerary giving as much detail as possible.
  • Emergency procedures and telephone contacts.
  • Codes of contact for both staff and children.
  • Welfare and child protection procedures.

Appendix 14

Social Media Guidance – Brickendon Grange GC

This guidance gives procedures that will support and underpin the use of social networking and other online services within. Brickendon Grange GC It is important that all members, staff, volunteers, coaches, officials/referees, board members, or anyone working on behalf of Brickendon Grange GC are aware of this policy and agree to the following terms.

Advice for Individual

  • Do not accept children as contacts on social networking sites if you hold a position of trust with children/young people.
  • Where contact through social networking sites is used for professional reasons, restrict the communication to professional content and obtain written consent from parents prior to establishing contact.
  • Include a third party in any communications to children, e.g. copy parents into communications.
  • Use the privacy settings on the various sites to ensure that your content will only be viewed by appropriate people.
  • Ensure that any content you place on a social networking site is age appropriate. Do not use the site to criticise or abuse others.
  • Know where to direct junior members and their parents for information.
  • Know how to report concerns.
  • Know how to keep data safe and secure. This should include the personal contact data of individuals, such as mobile numbers, email addresses and social networking profiles.

Advice for Children

  • Consider carefully who you invite to be your friend online and make sure they are who you actually think they are.
  • There are websites that offer advice about protecting yourself online, such as and
  • Make sure you use privacy settings so that only friends can view your profile.
  • Remember that anything you post on websites may be shared with people you do not know.
  • Never post comments, photos, videos, etc., that may upset someone, that are untrue or that are hurtful. Think about whether you may regret posting the content at a later date.
  • If you are worried or upset about something that has been posted about you, or by texts you receive from other juniors or adults involved with the club, raise this with your Club Welfare Officer. Alternatively contact your National Governing Body Lead Safeguarding Officer (England Golf 01526 351824). Do not suffer alone. You will be listened to and your concerns will be taken seriously.
  • If you want to talk to someone anonymously, call Childline on 0800 1111, or contact them on the web at You can also call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.

Advice for Parents

  • Make yourself knowledgeable about social networking platforms and how they work.
  • Go on the internet with your child and agree what sites are acceptable to visit. Regularly check that they are staying within the agreed limits.
  • Encourage your child to talk to you about what they have been doing on the internet.
  • Make sure they feel able to speak to you if they ever feel uncomfortable, upset, or threatened by anything they see online.
  • Encourage children to look out for each other when they are online. Explain that it’s all part of staying safe and having fun together.
  • Explain to children that it’s not safe to reveal personal information, such as their name, address or phone number on the internet. Encourage them to use a cool nickname rather than their own name.
  • Attachments and links in emails can contain viruses and may expose children and young people to inappropriate material. Teach children to only open attachments or click on links from people they know.

Further Advice for Parents of Young Golfers

  • If you are concerned about any texts, social networking posts or any other use of communication technology by members of the golf club, volunteers, or members of staff, raise this with the Club Welfare Officer. They will look into the matter and take appropriate action. Alternatively contact England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer Tel 01526 351824.
  • In addition to reporting concerns to England Golf (National Governing Body), you should immediately report possible online abuse to the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) or the police. Law enforcement agencies and the internet service provider may need to take urgent steps to locate a child and/or remove the content from the internet. Where a young person may be in immediate danger, dial 999.
  • Do not post/send negative or critical comments or messages about other children in the club, staff or volunteers. If you have concerns about a person, these should be raised using appropriate channels within the club and not using social media.
  • If you wish to speak to an external organisation for advice, you can contact the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000.

Appendix 15

Whistleblowing Policy – Brickendon Grange GC

Safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk requires everyone to be committed to the highest possible standards of openness, integrity and accountability.

As a club, we are committed to encouraging and maintaining a culture where people feel able to raise a genuine safeguarding concern and are confident that it will be taken seriously.

You may be the first to recognise that something is wrong but feel that you cannot express your concerns as this may be disloyal to your colleagues or you may that you will be the victim of harassment or victimisation as a result.

Children, Young People and Adults at risk need someone like you to safeguard their welfare.

What is whistle blowing?

In the context of safeguarding, “whistle blowing” is when someone raises a concern about the well-being of a child or an adult at risk.

A whistle blower may be:

  • a player.
  • a volunteer.
  • a coach.
  • other member of staff.
  • an official.
  • a parent.
  • a member of the public.

Reasons for whistle blowing:

Those involved in sport must acknowledge their individual responsibilities and bring matters of concern to the attention of the relevant people and/or agencies. Although this can be difficult it is particularly important where the welfare of children may be at risk.

Each individual has a responsibility for raising concerns about unacceptable practice or behaviour:

  • To protect or reduce risk to others.
  • To prevent a problem from becoming worse or more widespread
  • To prevent becoming implicated yourself

What prevents those individuals from whistle blowing?

  • Starting a chain of events that they have no control of
  • Disrupting work or training
  • Fear of getting it wrong or making a mistake.
  • Fear of repercussions
  • Fear of damaging careers
  • Fear of not being believed.

If a child or an adult at risk is in immediate danger or risk of harm, the police should be contacted by calling 999.

Where a child or an adult at risk is not in immediate danger the first person you should report your suspicion or allegation to is your Club Welfare Officer. If for any reason you cannot, or do not wish to report the matter to your Club Welfare Officer please contact Ash Wilson England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer on 01526 351824 or email

Alternatively, you can contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) or the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.

Information to include when raising a concern.

The whistle blower should provide as much information as possible regarding the incident or circumstance which has given rise to the concern, including:

  • their name and contact details (unless they wish to remain anonymous);
  • names of individuals involved.
  • date, time, and location of incident/circumstance; and
  • whether any witnesses were present.

Brickendon Grange GC assures that all involved will be treated fairly and that all concerns will be properly considered. In cases where suspicions prove to be unfounded, no action will be taken against those who report their concerns, provided they acted in good faith and without malicious intent.

What happens next?

  • You should be given information on the nature and progress of any enquiries – this may vary depending on the nature and result of the investigations.
  • All concerns will be treated in confidence. During the process of investigating the matter, every effort will be made to keep the identity of those raising the concern to the minimum number of individuals practicable.
  • Your Club has a responsibility to protect you from harassment or victimisation.
  • No action will be taken against you if the concern proves to be unfounded and was raised in good faith.
  • Malicious allegations may be considered a disciplinary offence.

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 protects whistle blowers from victimisation, discipline, or dismissal where they raise genuine concerns of misconduct or malpractice.

If the whistle blower does not believe that the concern has been dealt with appropriately and wishes to speak to someone outside the club or the England Golf Governance Department the NSPCC Whistleblowing advice line should be contacted on 0800 028 0285 or by emailing

Appendix 16

England Golf DBS Flowchart


* Regular is open to definition – it is suggested that annually would be insufficient but an argument for eligibility could be made if the individual does an activity, once a month or a number of times over the summer period, for example.

**Supervision must be ‘reasonable in all the circumstances to ensure the protection of children’. It must be ‘regular and day to day’ (supervision must not be concentrated in first few weeks and then tail off). Supervision must be undertaken by someone who is in Regulated Activity themselves.

Appendix 17

Categories of child abuse

Abuse can happen on any occasion or in any place where children and young people are present.

Child abuse is any form of physical, emotional, or sexual mistreatment or lack of care that leads to injury or harm. Children may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting by those known to them or, more rarely, by a stranger. Children can be abused by adults, either male or female, or by other children.

Safeguarding is defined as:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment.
  • Preventing impairment of children’s health or development.
  • Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and
  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best life chances.

Child Protection is the activity that is undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering or are likely to suffer significant harm.

There are 4 main types of abuse: neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse. Children and young people can also be harmed through poor practice and bullying within a sport setting.

Neglect is when adults consistently or repeatedly fail to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs which could result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development e.g. failure to provide adequate food, shelter, and clothing; failing to protect a child from physical harm or danger; or the failure to ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. It may also include refusal to give love, affection, and attention.

Examples in sport could include a coach or supervisor repeatedly failing to ensure children are safe, exposing them to undue cold, heat or extreme weather conditions without ensuring adequate clothing or hydration; exposing them to unnecessary risk of injury e.g. by ignoring safe practice guidelines, failing to ensure the use of safety equipment, or by requiring young people to participate when injured or unwell.

Physical abuse is when someone physically hurts or injures children by hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, biting, scalding, suffocating, drowning or otherwise causing harm. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer feigns the symptoms of, or deliberately causes, ill health to a child whom they are looking after.

Examples in sport may be when the nature and intensity of training or competition exceeds the capacity of the child’s immature and growing body; where coaches encourage the use of drugs or harmful substances to enhance performance or delay puberty; if athletes are required to participate when injured; or when sanctions used by coaches imposed involve inflicting pain.

Sexual abuse is where children and young people are abused by adults (both male and female) or other children who use them to meet their own sexual needs. This could include full sexual intercourse, masturbation, oral sex, anal intercourse, kissing and sexual fondling. Showing children pornographic material (books, videos, pictures) or taking pornographic images of them are also forms of sexual abuse.

Sexual abusers groom children, protective adults, and clubs/organisations in order to create opportunities to abuse and reduce the likelihood of being reported.

Examples in sport may include coaching techniques involving physical contact with children creating situations where sexual abuse can be disguised and may therefore go unnoticed. The power and authority of, or dependence on, the coach if misused, may also lead to abusive situations developing. Contacts made within sport and pursued e.g. through texts, Facebook or Twitter have been used to groom children for abuse.

Child Sexual Exploitation is a form of child sexual abuse. It occurs where an individual or group takes advantage of an imbalance of power to coerce, manipulate or deceive a child or young person under the age of 18 into sexual activity.

(a) in exchange for something the victim needs or wants, and/or

(b) for the financial advantage or increased status of the perpetrator or facilitator.

The victim may have been sexually exploited even if the sexual activity appears consensual. Child sexual exploitation does not always involve physical contact; it can also occur through the use of technology.

Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional ill-treatment of a child so as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to children that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person.

It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children or even the over protection of a child. It may involve causing children to feel frightened or in danger by being constantly shouted at, threatened, or taunted which may make the child very nervous and withdrawn. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of ill-treatment of a child.

Examples in sport may include children who are subjected to constant criticism, name-calling, sarcasm, bullying, racism, or pressure to perform to unrealistically high expectations; or when their value or worth is dependent on sporting success or achievement.

Appendix 18

Golf should be fun!

You should feel safe and enjoy

your sport.

Is something worrying you?

Do you need someone to talk to?

Speak to your club welfare officer.

Club Welfare Officers Name:

Teresa Dyson

Email address:

Telephone Number:

07850 532240

Alternatively, you can speak to someone at

ChildLine 0800 1111 | NSPCC 0808 800 5000 | England Golf 01526 351851

Appendix 19

Brickendon Grange Golf Club

Safeguarding Children and Young People – A Short Guide for Club Members

Brickendon Grange GC is committed to ensure that the sport of golf is one within which children and young people involved can thrive and flourish in a safe environment and that all children, young people and adults at risk have a fun, safe and positive experience when playing golf.

Brickendon Grange GC is an affiliated member of England Golf and follows the England Golf Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy and procedures.

You might be thinking “What has safeguarding got to do with me?”

Government guidance makes it clear that ‘Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility’.

Anyone who has a negative experience of sport at a young age is less likely to become a regular long-term participant. It is important for the future of your club and the sport as a whole that children and young people have an enjoyable experience.

All club members have a part to play in making that happen.

All adults should contribute to the club meeting its overall duty of care, be aware of our club’s safeguarding policy, and know what to do if they are concerned about a young person.

Brickendon Grange GC asks our members to

  • Familiarise yourself with the Brickendon Grange GC Safeguarding Policy.

The full copy of the Brickendon Grange GC Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy is available on our website

  • In particular, familiarise yourself with: (Golf Clubs can add relevant information from their Safeguarding Policy in each section)
  1. Brickendon Grange GC Codes of Conduct

For example – Adults should always be aware that age related differences exist and conduct themselves in a manner that both recognises this and prioritises the welfare of children and young people.

  1. Anti-Bullying Policy

For example – Brickendon Grange GC believe that every effort must be made to eradicate bullying in all its forms. The Club will not tolerate bullying in any of its forms during club matches, competitions, coaching or at any other time while at the club.

  1. Transport Policy

For example – The club believes it is primarily the responsibility of parents/carers to transport their child/children to and from events.

  1. Changing Room Policy

For example – The changing rooms are used by all members & visitors. Wherever possible adults will avoid changing or showering at the same time as children, but parents will be made aware that with limited changing room space there will be occasions when adults and children may need to share the facilities. Where a parent/carer does not consent to their child accessing the changing rooms, it is their responsibility to either supervise the child while in the changing rooms or ensure that they do not use them.

  1. Photography, Videoing, and the use of Social Media Policies

Think very carefully before contacting a young person via mobile phone, e-mail, or social media.

Do not accept children as contacts on social networking sites if you hold a position of trust with children/young people.

In general stick to group communications, copy the communication to a parent and only communicate about organisational matters.

What should I do if I am concerned about a child or young person?

A concern may involve the behavior of an adult towards a child at the club, or something that has happened to the child outside the club.

Children and young people may confide in adults they trust, in a place where they feel comfortable.

An allegation may range from verbal bullying to inappropriate contact online, to neglect or emotional abuse, to physical or sexual abuse.

If you are concerned about a child, it is not your responsibility to investigate further, but it is your responsibility to act on your concerns and share them.

Pass the information to the Brickendon Grange GC Welfare Officer who will follow the club’s Safeguarding procedures.

Name:                            Teresa Dyson

Email Address:    

Telephone Number:     07850 532240

If you believe the child is at immediate risk of harm, call the Police.

Other useful contacts:

NSPCC 24-hour helpline Tel: 0808 800 5000 | England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer 01526 351824

Appendix 20

Photography Policy – Brickendon Grange GC

Whilst Brickendon Grange GC does not seek to prohibit those with a legitimate interest in filming or photographing children participating in sporting activities it recognises that such activity should take place within an appropriate policy framework.

This policy applies at any Brickendon Grange GC event at which children under the age of 18 are participating.


The Brickendon Grange GC policy is as follows.

The welfare of children taking part in golf is paramount.

Children and their parents/carers and/or the Brickendon Grange GC should have control over the images taken of children at Brickendon Grange GC events.

The golfing activity should not be misused purely for the purpose of obtaining images of children.

Images should not be sexual or exploitative in nature or open to misinterpretation and misuse.

The identity of children in a published image should be protected so as not to make the children vulnerable. (If the name of an individual golfer is published with their photograph to celebrate an achievement other personal contact details should never accompany the picture).


Official/professional photographers and those using ‘professional’ equipment.

Brickendon Grange GC requires that anyone wishing to take photographic or video images, at any Brickendon Grange GC event at which children under the age of 18 are participating, in an official or professional capacity or using ‘professional’ camera or video equipment registers their details with the Brickendon Grange GC Championship Office. This must be done before carrying out any such activity on the golf course (including the practice ground) or surrounding area or in the clubhouse.

Once registered an identification label will be issued as confirmation of registration. Anyone found using photographic or video equipment without an appropriate identification label will be questioned.

Brickendon Grange GC reserves the right to refuse to grant permission to take photographic or video images if it sees fit.

Photographers must obtain consent from parents to take and use their child’s image.

Parents/carers/family members of competitors

Parents, carers, and family members taking occasional informal photographs with mobile devices of their own child, ward or family member at a Brickendon Grange GC event do not need to register their details with Brickendon Grange GC.

If such photographs include other children (e.g. at a prize presentation) they should not be publicly displayed or published on social media unless the prior permission of the parents/carers of all the children in the photographs has been obtained.


If competitors or parents have any concerns, they should raise them by contacting the Brickendon Grange GC Championship Office immediately.

Brickendon Grange GC will notify the relevant authorities should it have any doubts as to the authenticity of any individual taking photographs.

Appendix 21

Anti-bullying policy – Brickendon Grange GC

Brickendon Grange GC will:

  • recognise its duty of care and responsibility to safeguard all participants from harm.
  • promote and implement this anti-bullying policy in addition to our safeguarding policy and procedures.
  • seek to ensure that bullying behaviour is not accepted or condoned.
  • require all members of the Brickendon Grange GC to be given information about, and sign up to, this policy.
  • take action to investigate and respond to any alleged incidents of bullying.
  • encourage and facilitate children and young people to play an active part in developing and adopting a code of conduct to address bullying.
  • ensure that staff, volunteers, and coaches are given access to information, guidance and/or training on bullying.

Each participant, coach, volunteer, or official will:

  • respect every child’s need for, and rights to, a play environment where safety, security, praise, recognition, and opportunity for taking responsibility are available.
  • respect the feelings and views of others.
  • recognise that everyone is important and that our differences make each of us special and should be valued.
  • show appreciation of others by acknowledging individual qualities, contributions and progress.
  • be committed to the early identification of bullying, and prompt and collective action to deal with it.
  • ensure safety by having rules and practices carefully explained and displayed for all to see.
  • report incidents of bullying they see – by doing nothing you are condoning bullying.


  • all forms of bullying will be addressed.
  • everybody at Brickendon Grange GC has a responsibility to work together to stop bullying.
  • bullying can include online as well as offline behaviour.
  • bullying can include:
    • physical pushing, kicking, hitting, pinching etc.
    • name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, persistent teasing and emotional torment through ridicule, humiliation, or the continual ignoring of individuals.
    • posting of derogatory or abusive comments, videos, or images on social network sites
    • racial taunts, graffiti, gestures, sectarianism – sexual comments, suggestions, or behaviour
    • unwanted physical contact
  • children with a disability, from ethnic minorities, young people who are gay or lesbian, or those with learning difficulties are more vulnerable to this form of abuse and are more likely to be targeted.

Support to the child

  • children should know who will listen to and support them.
  • systems should be established to open the door to children wishing to talk about bullying or any other issue that affects them.
  • potential barriers to talking (including those associated with a child’s disability or impairment) need to be identified and addressed at the outset to enable children to approach adults for help.
  • children should have access to helpline numbers.
  • anyone who reports an incident of bullying will be listened to carefully and be supported.
  • any reported incident of bullying will be investigated objectively and will involve listening carefully to all those involved.
  • children being bullied will be supported and assistance given to uphold their right to play and live in a safe environment which allows their healthy development.
  • those who bully will be supported and encouraged to stop bullying.
  • sanctions for those bullying others that involve long periods of isolation, or which diminish and make individuals look or feel foolish in front of others, will be avoided.

Support to the parents/carers

  • parents/carers to be advised on Brickendon Grange GC bullying policy and practice.
  • any incident of bullying will be discussed with the child’s parents/carers.
  • parents/carers will be consulted on action to be taken (for both victim and bully) and agreements made as to what action should be taken.
  • information and advice on coping with bullying will be made available.
  • support should be offered to the parents/carers including information on other agencies or support lines.

Useful contacts

Brickendon Grange GC Welfare Officer, Teresa Dyson 07850 532240

NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000

ChildLine 0800 1111 /


Anti-Bullying Alliance

England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer 01526 351824

Brickendon Grange Golf Club

In conjunction with England Golf

Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures




Safeguarding Policy Statement 2
1.  Complaints, concerns, and allegations 4
2.  Responding to a Disclosure of Abuse 5
3.  Signs and Indicators of Abuse and Neglect 6
4.  Consent 7
5.  Useful Contacts 9
Supporting Documents
Safeguarding Adults Flowchart 10
Capacity – Guidance on Making Decisions 11
Incident Report Form 13
Guidance on Types of Harm 15
Guidance on Consent and Information Sharing 17

Safeguarding Adults Policy


Brickendon Grange Golf Club is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment for all individuals involved in golf.

Safeguarding duties apply to an adult who:

  • Has needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs) and.
  • Is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect, and.
  • As a result of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of, abuse or neglect.

Principles in relation to adults at risk

The Care and Support Statutory Guidance Section 14.13 sets out the following six key principles which underpin all adult safeguarding work:

  • Empowerment: People being supported and encouraged to make their own decisions and informed consent.
  • Prevention: It is better to take action before harm occurs.
  • Proportionality: The least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented.
  • Protection: Support and representation for those in greatest need.
  • Partnership: Local solutions through services working with their communities. Communities have a part to play in preventing, detecting, and reporting neglect and abuse.
  • Accountability: Accountability and transparency in delivering safeguarding.

Making safeguarding personal is the concept that adult safeguarding should be person led and outcome focused. It engages the person in a conversation about how best to respond to their safeguarding situation in a way that enhances involvement, choice, and control. As well as improving quality of life, well-being, and safety.

Wherever possible discuss safeguarding concerns with the adult to get their view of what they would like to happen and keep them involved in the safeguarding process, seeking their consent to share information outside of the organisation where necessary.

The principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) state that every individual has the right to make their own decisions and provides the framework for this to happen.

In addition, Brickendon Grange Golf Club recognises the following principles which underpin our work with all groups and individuals who may have additional needs for support and protection:

  • It is every adult’s right to be protected from abuse irrespective of their age, gender identity, faith or religion, culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, background, economic position, marital status, disability, or level of ability.
  • All staff and volunteers share the responsibility for the protection of adults at risk and will show respect and understanding for their rights, safety, and welfare.
  • The additional vulnerability of disabled adults (including those with invisible disabilities, learning and communication differences) is recognised.
  • Allegations of abuse or concerns about the welfare of any adult will be treated seriously and will be responded to swiftly and appropriately.
  • Brickendon Grange Golf Club recognises the role and responsibilities of the statutory agencies in safeguarding adults and is committed to complying with the procedures of the Local Safeguarding Adults Boards.
  • Confidentiality will be always maintained appropriately, and the adult’s safety and welfare must be the overriding consideration when making decisions on whether or not to share information about them.
  • Brickendon Grange Golf Club will support all adults to understand their roles and responsibilities with regards to safeguarding and protecting adults at risk, including the responsibility to report all concerns in line with Brickendon Grange Golf Club safeguarding adult’s policy and procedures.
  • All participants involved in golfing activities have the right to be listened to with respect and to be heard.

Guidance and legislation

The practices and procedures within this policy are based on the principles contained within the UK and legislation and Government Guidance and have been developed to complement the Safeguarding Adults Boards policy and procedures, and take the following into consideration:

  • The Care Act 2014
  • The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
  • Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims (Amendment) Act 2012
  • The Equality Act 2010
  • The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
  • Mental Capacity Act 2005
  • Sexual Offences Act 2003
  • The Human Rights Act 1998
  • The Data Protection Act 2018


Responsibilities and implementation

Brickendon Grange Golf Club will seek to promote the principles of safeguarding by:

  • Reviewing Brickendon Grange Golf Club policy and procedures every three years or whenever there is a major change in legislation.
  • Giving guidance on appropriate recruitment procedures to assess the suitability of volunteers and staff working with vulnerable groups.
  • Following procedures to report welfare concerns and allegations about the behaviour of adults and ensure that all staff, volunteers, parents, and participants, including children, are aware of these procedures.
  • Directing club staff, volunteers & coaches to appropriate safeguarding training and learning opportunities, where this is appropriate to their role.


1.  Complaints, concerns, and allegations

  • As a player, parent, carer, member of staff or volunteer you may be concerned about the welfare of an adult, become aware that abuse or poor practice is taking place, suspect abuse or poor practice may be occurring or be told about something that may be abuse or poor practice. These concerns should be brought to the attention of the England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer without delay.
  • The person reporting the concern is not required to decide whether abuse has occurred, but simply has a duty to pass on their concerns and any relevant information tel: 01526 351824. All concerns will be treated in confidence. Details should only be shared on a ‘need to know’ basis with those who can help with the management of the concern.
  • Concerns will be recorded on an Incident Report Form and sent to England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer and retained confidentially. The Lead Safeguarding Officer will assist with completion of this form if required, tel 01526 351824.
  • Brickendon Grange Golf Club will work with England Golf, counties and other external agencies to take appropriate action where concerns relate to potential abuse or serious poor practice. Brickendon Grange Golf Club disciplinary procedures will be applied and followed where possible.
  • Safeguarding adults at risk requires everyone to be committed to the highest possible standards of openness, integrity and accountability. Brickendon Grange Golf Club supports an environment where staff, volunteers, parents/carers and the public are encouraged to raise safeguarding concerns.  Anyone who reports a legitimate concern to the organisation (even if their concerns subsequently appear to be unfounded) will be supported. All concerns will be taken seriously.


  • It is important when considering your concern that you also consider the needs and wishes of the person at risk.

2.  Responding to disclosure of abuse

  • If an adult indicates that they are being abused the person receiving the information should:
  • Stay Calm
  • Listen carefully to what is said, allowing the adult to continue at their own pace, and take it seriously.
  • Explain that it is likely the information will have to be shared with others- do not promise to keep secrets.
  • Keep questions to a minimum, only ask questions if you need to identify/ clarify what the person is telling you. Take care to distinguish between fact, observation, allegation, and opinion. It is important that the information you have is accurate.
  • Reassure the person that they have done the right thing in revealing the information.
  • Ask them what they would like to happen next.
  • Explain what you would like to do next and ask if they are happy for you to share the information in order for you to help them. As long as it does not increase the risk to the individual, you should explain to them that it is your duty to share your concern with your Lead Safeguarding Officer.
  • Record in writing what was said using the adult’s own words as soon as possible.
  • DO NOT:
  • Dismiss the concern.
  • Panic or allow shock or distaste to show.
  • Probe for more information than is offered.
  • Make promises that cannot be kept.
  • Conduct an investigation of the case.
  • Make negative comments about the alleged perpetrator.

If the matter is urgent and relates to the immediate safety of an adult at risk, then contact the police immediately. Complete and Incident Form and copy it to the England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer within 24 hours.

3.  Signs and indicators of abuse and neglect

  • Abuse can take place in any context. Abuse may be inflicted by anyone. Players, members, staff, volunteers, or coaches may suspect that an adult is being abused or neglected outside of the club setting. There are many signs and indicators that may suggest someone is being abused or neglected, these include but are not limited to:
  • Unexplained bruises or injuries – or lack of medical attention when an injury is present.
  • Person has belongings or money going missing.
  • Person is not attending / no longer enjoying their sessions.
  • Someone losing or gaining weight / an unkempt appearance. A change in the behaviour or confidence of a person.
  • Self-harm.
  • A fear of a particular group or individual.
  • They may tell you / another person they are being abused – i.e., a disclosure.


4.  Consent

  • The Care Act 2014 statutory guidance advises that the first priority in safeguarding should always be to ensure the safety and well-being of the adult.
  • Adults have a general right to independence, choice and self-determination including control over information about themselves.
  • Brickendon Grange Golf Club does not expect staff, coaches or volunteers to support an adult who is felt to be vulnerable or at risk through their decision-making process but expects them to inform England Golf without delay so that they can clearly define the various options to help support the adult at risk to make a decision about their safety. As long as it does not increase the risk to the individual, it should be explained to them that it is their duty to share their concern with the England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer. Consent is not required to seek guidance or share information with the National Governing Body.
  • Adults may not give their consent to the sharing of safeguarding information outside of the organisation for a number of reasons. For example, they may be unduly influenced, coerced or intimidated by another person, they may be frightened of reprisals, they may fear losing control, they may not trust social services or other partners, or they may fear that their relationship with the abuser will be damaged. Reassurance and appropriate support may help to change their view on whether it is best to share information.
  • Those seeking to support the adult should consider the following:
  • Explore the reasons for the adult’s objections – what are they worried about?
  • Explain the concern and why you think it is important to share the information.
  • Tell the adult with whom you may be sharing the information with and why.
  • Explain the benefits, to them or others, of sharing information.
  • Could they access better help and support?
  • Discuss the consequences of not sharing the information – could someone come to harm?
  • Reassure them that the information will not be shared with anyone who does not need to know.
  • Reassure them that they are not alone, and that support is available to them.
  • If the adult continues to refuse intervention to support them with a safeguarding concern, or requests that information about them is not shared with other safeguarding partners their wishes should be respected.
  • However, there are a number of circumstances where those seeking to support the adult can reasonably override such a decision, including but not limited to:
  • It appears that the adult lacks the mental capacity to make that decision (this must be properly explored, and further guidance should be sought from the England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer)
  • Emergency or life-threatening situations may warrant the sharing of relevant information with the emergency services without consent.
  • Other people are, or may be, at risk, including children.
  • A serious crime has been committed / may be prevented.
  • Individuals in a Position of Trust are implicated.
    • In such circumstances, it is important to keep a careful record of the decision-making process and guidance should be sought from the England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer. Legal advice will be sought where appropriate. If the decision is to take action without the adult’s consent, then unless it is unsafe to do so, the adult should be informed that this is being done and of the reasons why.

5.  Useful Contacts

England Golf Useful Contacts

Name Address Number and email
Lead Safeguarding Officer England Golf
National Golf Centre
The Broadway
Woodhall Spa
LN10 6PU
01526 351824

Local Contacts

Name Address Number and email
East Herts County Council – Safeguarding Adults Jonathan Geall on

01279 655261

East Herts County Council-Social Care-Emergency Duty Team Herts Help on 0300 123 4044

email or visit

National Contacts

Name Website Number and email
Ann Craft Trust – Safeguarding Adults in Sport and Activity 0115 951 5400
Samaritans 01522 782333

Safeguarding Adults Flowchart
What to do if you have a concern about an adult?




It is not your duty to investigate concerns about an adult but do not ignore them – talk to the adult if possible and get in touch with someone within your organisation or the local authority for advice.

* If for any reason a Club Welfare Officer is not in post or is unavailable a principle of least delay is important. Please contact the England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer



Brickendon Grange Golf Club

Capacity – Guidance on Making Decisions

The issue of capacity or decision making is a key one in safeguarding adults. It is useful for organisations to have an overview of the concept of capacity.

We make many decisions every day, often without realising. We make so many decisions that it is easy to take this ability for granted.

But some people are only able to make some decisions, and a small number of people cannot make any decisions. Being unable to make a decision is called “lacking capacity”.

To make a decision we need to:

  • Understand information.
  • Remember it for long enough.
  • Think about the information.
  • Communicate our decision.

A person’s ability to do this may be affected by things like learning disability, dementia, mental health needs, acquired brain injury, and physical ill health.

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) states that every individual has the right to make their own decisions and provides the framework for this to happen.

The MCA is about making sure that people over the age of 16 have the support they need to make as many decisions as possible.

The MCA also protects people who need family, friends, or paid support staff to make decisions for them because they lack capacity to make specific decisions.

Our ability to make decisions can change over the course of a day.

Here are some examples that demonstrate how the timing of a question can affect the response:

  • A person with epilepsy may not be able to make a decision following a seizure.
  • Someone who is anxious may not be able to make a decision at that point.
  • A person may not be able to respond as quickly if they have just taken some medication that causes fatigue.

In each of these examples, it may appear as though the person cannot make a decision. But later in the day, presented with the same decision, they may be able to at least be involved.

The MCA recognises that capacity is decision-specific, so no one will be labelled as entirely lacking capacity. The MCA also recognises that decisions can be about big life-changing events, such as where to live, but equally about small events, such as what to wear on a cold day.

To help you to understand the MCA, consider the following five points:

  1. Assume that people are able to make decisions, unless it is shown that they are not. If you have concerns about a person’s level of understanding, you should check this with them, and if applicable, with the people supporting them.
  2. Give people as much support as they need to make decisions. You may be involved in this – you might need to think about the way you communicate or provide information, and you may be asked your opinion.
  3. People have the right to make unwise decisions. The important thing is that they understand the implications. If they understand the implications, consider how risks might be minimised.
  4. If someone is not able to make a decision, then the person helping them must only make decisions in their “best interests”. This means that the decision must be what is best for the person, not for anyone else. If someone were making a decision on your behalf, you would want it to reflect the decision you would make if you were able to.
  5. Find the least restrictive way of doing what needs to be done.


  • You should not discriminate or make assumptions about someone’s ability to make decisions, and you should not pre-empt a “best-interests” decision merely based on a person’s age, appearance, condition, or behaviour.
  • When it comes to decision-making, you could be involved in a minor way, or asked to provide more detail. The way you provide information might influence a person’s ultimate decision. A person may be receiving support that is not in line with the MCA, so you must be prepared to address this.


Incident Report Form

Recorder’s Name:
Post Code: Telephone No:
Name of Identified Adult:
Post Code: Telephone No:
Complainant’s Name:
Post Code: Telephone No:
Details of the allegations: [include date; time; location; and nature of the incident.]
Additional information: [include witnesses; corroborative statements; etc.]
Have you discussed your concerns with the adult? What are their views?
England Golf Safeguarding department notified (01526 351824)

Case Number (if allocated):

Name of person spoken to:

Date:                                                                   Time:

Action taken:

Date:                                                                   Time:

Signature of Recorder:

Signature of Complainant:

Data protection:

England Golf Safeguarding Department may use the information in this form (together with other information they obtain as a result of any investigation) to investigate the alleged incident and to take whatever action is deemed appropriate, in accordance with their Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures.

Strict confidentiality will be maintained, and information will only be shared on a “need to know” basis in the interests of safeguarding. This may involve disclosing certain information to a number of organisations and individuals including relevant clubs and County bodies, individuals that are the subject of an investigation and/or Statutory agencies such as the Police and Adult Social Care.

Brickendon Grange Golf Club

Guidance on types of harm

The Care Act 2014 recognises 10 categories of abuse that may be experienced by adults.

This covers a wide range of behaviour: neglecting to care for one’s personal hygiene, health or surroundings and includes behaviour such as hoarding.

Modern Slavery
This encompasses slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude.

Domestic Abuse
This includes psychological, physical, sexual, financial, and emotional abuse perpetrated by anyone within a person’s family. It also includes so called ‘honour’ based violence.

Discrimination is abuse which centres on a difference or perceived difference particularly with respect to race, gender, or disability or any of the protected characteristics of the Equality Act.

This includes neglect and poor care practice within an institution or specific care setting such as a hospital or care home, for example, or in relation to care provided in one’s own home. This may range from one off incidents to on-going ill-treatment. It can be through neglect or poor professional practice because of the structure, policies, processes and practices within an organisation.

This includes hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking, misuse of medication, restraint, or inappropriate sanctions.

This includes rape, indecent exposure, sexual harassment, inappropriate looking or touching, sexual teasing or innuendo, sexual photography, subjection to pornography or witnessing sexual acts, indecent exposure and sexual assault or sexual acts to which the adult has not consented or was pressured into consenting.

Financial or material
This includes theft, fraud, internet scamming, coercion in relation to an adult’s financial affairs or arrangements, including in connection with wills, property, inheritance or financial transactions, or the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions, or benefits.

Neglect/Acts of omission
This includes ignoring medical or physical care needs, failing to provide access to appropriate health social care or educational services, the withholding of the necessities of life, such as medication, adequate nutrition, and heating.

Emotional or psychological
This includes threats of harm or abandonment, deprivation of contact, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, isolation or withdrawal from services or supportive networks.

Not included in the Care Act 2014 but also relevant to safeguarding adults in sport and physical activity:

Cyber Bullying
Cyberbullying occurs when someone repeatedly makes fun of another person online or repeatedly picks on another person through emails or text messages, or uses online forums with the intention of harming, damaging, humiliating, or isolating another person. It can be used to carry out many different types of bullying (such as racist bullying, homophobic bullying, or bullying related to special educational needs and disabilities) but instead of the perpetrator carrying out the bullying face-to-face, they use technology to do it.

Forced marriage
This is a term used to describe a marriage in which one or both of the parties are married without their consent or against their will. A forced marriage differs from an arranged marriage, in which both parties’ consent to the assistance of a third party in identifying a spouse. The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 make it a criminal offence to force someone to marry.

Mate Crime
A ‘mate crime’ is when vulnerable people are befriended by members of the community who go on to exploit and take advantage of them. It may not be an illegal act but still has a negative effect on the individual. Mate Crime is carried out by someone the adult knows and often happens in private. In recent years there have been a number of Serious Case Reviews relating to people with a learning disability who were murdered or seriously harmed by people who purported to be their friend.

The aim of radicalisation is to attract people to their reasoning, inspire new recruits and embed their extreme views and persuade vulnerable individuals of the legitimacy of their cause. This may be direct through a relationship, or through social media.



Brickendon Grange Golf Club

Consent and Information Sharing

Workers and volunteers within sports and physical activity organisations should always share safeguarding concerns in line with their organisation’s policy, usually with their safeguarding lead or welfare officer in the first instance, except in emergency situations. As long as it does not increase the risk to the individual, the worker or volunteer should explain to them that it is their duty to share their concern with their safeguarding lead or welfare officer.

The safeguarding lead or welfare officer will then consider the situation and plan the actions that need to be taken, in conjunction with the adult at risk and in line with the organisation’s policy and procedures and local safeguarding adults board policy and procedures.

To make an adult safeguarding referral you need to call the local safeguarding adults’ team. This may be part of a MASH (MultiAgency Safeguarding Hub). A conversation can be had with the safeguarding adult’s team without disclosing the identity of the person in the first instance. If it is thought that a referral needs to be made to the safeguarding adults’ team, consent should be sought where possible from the adult at risk.

Individuals may not give their consent to the sharing of safeguarding information with the safeguarding adults team for a number of reasons. Reassurance, appropriate support and revisiting the issues at another time may help to change their view on whether it is best to share information.

If they still do not consent, then their wishes should usually be respected. However, there are circumstances where information can be shared without consent such as when the adult does not have the capacity to consent, it is in the public interest because it may affect other people, or a serious crime has been committed.  This should always be discussed with your safeguarding lead and the local authority safeguarding adults’ team.

If someone does not want you to share information outside of the organisation or you do not have consent to share the information, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is the adult placing themselves at further risk of harm?
  • Is someone else likely to get hurt?
  • Has a criminal offence occurred? This includes theft or burglary of items, physical abuse, sexual abuse, forced to give extra money for lessons (financial abuse) or harassment.
  • Is there suspicion that a crime has occurred?

If the answer to any of the questions above is ‘yes’ – then you can share without consent and need to share the information.

When sharing information there are seven Golden Rules that should always be followed.

  1. Seek advice if in any doubt.
  2. Be transparent – The Data Protection Act (DPA) is not a barrier to sharing information but to ensure that personal information is shared appropriately; except in circumstances whereby doing so places the person at significant risk of harm.
  3. Consider the public interest – Base all decisions to share information on the safety and well-being of that person or others that may be affected by their actions.
  4. Share with consent where appropriate – Where possible, respond to the wishes of those who do not consent to share confidential information. You may still share information without consent if this is in the public interest.
  5. Keep a record – Record your decision and reasons to share or not share information.
  6. Accurate, necessary, proportionate, relevant and secure – Ensure all information shared is accurate, up to date; necessary and share with only those who need to have it.
  7. Remember the purpose of the Data Protection Act (DPA) is to ensure personal information is shared appropriately, except in circumstances whereby doing so may place the person or others at significant harm.





Welfare Officers

The Welfare Officer(s) for Brickendon Grange Golf Club is:

Teresa Dyson

Email address:

Telephone:07850 532240






  • The role of the Welfare Officer is to take the lead in the Club on welfare and protection issues and ensure the appropriate action is taken when there is a potential /alleged abuse, bullying or poor practice. It is not their role to investigate fully any allegations made. The Welfare Officer will undertake Child Protection training provided by national golfing bodies and others. Child protection concerns will be reported to the police/Social Services Department as appropriate.

You may wish to contact England Golf Lead Safeguarding officer,

on 01526 351824 or

If the England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer is not available and a delay cannot be justified, then seek advice from the local County Council Safeguarding Adults Team or County Council Social Care-Emergency Duty Team.

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